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Art Streams
04-09-2015 - 01-11-2015
ramfoundation opent het nieuwe culturele seizoen met de visuele verhalen van hedendaagse kunstenaars over water, boten, schippers en de haven. Te zien zijn installaties, foto's, beelden, tekeningen en video's, maar ook enkele zwart/wit foto's van de Rotterdamse haven in de jaren '50 uit het archief van het Nederlands Fotomuseum.
ramfoundation opens the new cultural season with a visual narrative about water, seafaring, skippers and the harbour. Installations, photographs, sculptures, drawings and videos of contemporary artists will be on show together with several black and white 50s photographs of the Port of Rotterdam from the archive of the Netherlands Fotomuseum.
Opening by: Coen Schimmelpenninck van der Oije
Kees Touw
The Wall
Naïmé Perette
Talent Room
  Autarcie Tiger's II - 2014 - HD Video - 37 min 47 sec
Jacolijn Verhoef & Aram Tanis
Video Room
  Departure Bay - 2012 - Video - 9:13 min
Sol Archer
Video Room
  Dispatches from Futureland - 2015 - HD Video - 26 minutes (30 minutes with leader)
Tamara Dees
Main Room
  monument - 2015 - Hout, kunststof, deken, boot - wood, plastics, blanket, boat
ongeveer 430x120x325 cm - aprox. 430 x 120 x 325
Serge Game
Main Room
  A Narrow Escape - 2011 - mixed media on canvas - 200x270 cm
Bettie van Haaster
Main Room
Bettie van Haaster
Main Room
Natasja van Kampen
Main Room
  stranded - 2015 - kleurpotlood op papier - crayon on paper
Natasja van Kampen
Main Room
  stranded - 2015 - kleurpotlood op papier - crayon on paper
Csilla Klenyánszki
Main Room
  Ocean in a Bottle - Video
Bastienne Kramer
Main Room
Tilmann Meijer-Faje
Main Room
Tilmann Meijer-Faje
Main Room
Gerard van Soest
Main Room
Gerard van Soest
Main Room
Malin Ståhl
Main Room
  Rising from Water - 2014 - Video - 11min 9sec
Hans Verwey
Main Room
  - Potlood, papier
Pencil, paper
Hans Verwey
Main Room
  - Potlood, papier
Pencil, paper
Main Room
  - Art Streams
Main Room
  Art Streams
  Boeken van exposanten - Books by exposing artists
Adriaan Rees
The Safe
  - Porcelein
Frits J. Rotgans
Main Room
  Courtesy Fotomuseum Rotterdam
Aart Klein
Main Room
  Courtesy Fotomuseum Rotterdam
Cas Oorthuys
Main Room
  Courtesy Fotomuseum Rotterdam
Previous exhibitions:
Etalage II (2017)
Etalage I (2016)
Up Memory Lane II (2016)
Master Fine Art Piet Zwart Institute Graduate Exhibition (2016)
Up Memory Lane Part I (2016)
Pushing Boundaries Expanding Frontiers (2016)
SuperLandEscapes (2016)
Born of Concentration (2015)
Art Streams (2015)
And the Livin' is Easy (2015)
Commitment is (not) a Word (2015)
Worlds of Nature (2015)
Identity and the Self (2015)
Small Works XV (sCULpTUUR ) (2014)
The Art of Travelling (2014)
CKOM (2014)
T.O.P. UP (2014)
Museumnacht "Sporen" (2014)
All attitudes, all the shapeliness, all the belongings (2014)
Small Works XIV (+) (2013)
Small Works XIV (2013)
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Kunstenaars elders / Artists elsewhere
latest interview:
Judith Kuipéri interviewt
Bert Frings en Nico Mogendorff
latest article:
Judith Kuipéri: Je weet niet wat je ziet
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Lloydkade 627
3024 WX Rotterdam
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only by appointment